Patient Transport

Patient Transport (non emergency ambulance) - 0161 335 2700

This is the Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust Assessment, Booking and Choice Centre and it offers a single point of access for local health services and to support Choose and Book. 

You can ring this service if you need an ambulance to take you to a medical appointment.  There is a registration and assessment process that you will have to undertake to find out if you are eligible to use this service.  This service is free at the point of contact. 

Miles of Smiles - 0161 339 2345  


Offers a service to all residents in Tameside including children, for health related appointments.  People who are not eligible to use the ambulance service, are unable to access other transport i.e. taxis and buses, or people who feel the need to receive support during their travel are able to use this service.  

You must register for the service which is offered 8.30 am until 5 pm Monday to Friday and bookings must be made at least one week in advance.  They can provide transport outside of the Tameside area.  

Tameside Volunteer Centre – 0161 308 5000 (Age UK) or 0161 339 2345 (Volunteer Centre)

Offer a service for older people who use Age UK and are involved in the Falls Group.  This service is not available to other people within Tameside.   Bookings to be made through Age UK on 0161 308 5000.

Hattersley Point to Point Transport – 0161 367 8014

Offers a service for Hattersley residents only.  Local Link travels to all major bus stations in Tameside and Tameside Hospital.  Anybody interested in using this service has to register on 0845 6055505 but all residents of any age can use this service.  The hours of business are Monday to Friday 7.30 am – 10.00 pm, Saturday 8.30 am – 10.00 pm and Sunday 9.30 am – 8.30 pm.

Tameside Council Community Transport – Social Services Transport 0161 342 2717 or 342 2758    


This service can only be accessed via a social worker.  They offer a school bus service and transport to medical appointments for children who have some form of disability.  They also offer a service to and from day centres for older people.  The general public cannot access this service.

Glossop Community Transport – 01457 861 635 


Anybody can access this service if they are disabled and have no access to another transport service, i.e. living on no bus route and living in Derbyshire only. They allow carers to travel with the patient.  All transport is DDA approved and they offer a service Monday to Friday from 8 am – 5 pm.  They will drop the patient off at the hospital and wait for them for the return journey home.

Transport for Sick Children – 0161 432 7800 or 0161 443 1293


A service for children under the age of 16 who has been referred to the service via some form of professional i.e. school nurse, social worker etc.  They will take children to and from medical appointments along with their carer.  They will take children out of Tameside into other areas including areas outside of Tameside.

Glossop Volunteer Car Scheme – 01457 890 904

A service for anybody who is unable to use public transport to get to medical appointments.  This service is for residents in Glossop but they will take people to hospital appointments out of area.  They are sometimes able to offer a service in the evenings and weekends dependent on volunteer availability.

Ring and Ride – 0845 688 4933   


A service for people who are unable to use public transport or accessing public transport.  Service runs 8am – 10.45pm (Mon – Sat) and 8.15am – 10.10pm (Sun).  This service is for residents in Tameside and will take people to and from appointments within the Tameside area.  They offer a return journey so long as the patient is clear about their return time and is aware that the bus may not wait for them if they are late.  You have to register to use these services.

St Johns Ambulance – 0161 443 0100

They offer a private transport service for anybody who would like to book it.  The minimum cost for the use of an ambulance is £196.00 and this is dependent on the length of journey, how long the appointment will take and whether or not you need more than 1 person for support.  

British Red Cross – contact Lee on 01925 295612

They offer a service to and from medical appointments to anybody in Tameside but they cannot commit to offering a service on a regular basis.  

Tameside Sight –  0161 343 4090/6903

This service is for people who are blind or partially sighted, offering a guiding service to any medical establishment in the area, using trained volunteers who can meet you on arrival at the hospital and stay with you to act as a guide to the appropriate clinic. It may be possible to provide transport to and from the appointment, either with a guider who drives, or separate transport and guider. 

Traveline - 0871 200 2233

For details about local bus and rail services, telephone the traveline or visit

The Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme

Tel: 0300 330 1343

Check your eligibility to see if you may be able to claim a refund under the 'Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme' (HTCS) of the cost of travelling to hospital or other NHS premises for NHS-funded treatment or diagnostic test arranged by a doctor or dentist.